• Thu. Jul 25th, 2024

Bourse ended in red for the fourth consecutive days

The All Share Price Index (ASPI) of the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) today recorded the largest single-day point decline of 328 points as the Bourse ended up closing in red territory for four consecutive days as macroeconomic worries
and concerns of market overheating rose, despite recording Rs 10 billion in turnover, according to First Capital Research.

The Index recorded the largest single-day point decline of 328 points, for seven months and rushed to reach an intraday low of 8,651 in the mid-day. Besides, the index crashed by 572 points since the all-time high closing index on Sep 2nd and took a mild rise towards the end of the session by closing at 8,764, losing 328 points. Turnover was
recorded at Rs, 10.4Bn led by the Transportation sector, followed by Food, Beverage & Tobacco sector
collectively accounting for a total contribution of 57%.

Foreign investors remained net sellers while recording low participation with net foreign outflow nearing Rs.42 billion so far during the year,

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