• Wed. Jul 24th, 2024

Committee on High Posts approves Two Ministry Secretaries, one State Ministry Secretary and three Ambassadors

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Two Secretaries to Ministries, a Secretary to State Ministry, and three Ambassadors received the approval of the Parliamentary Committee on High Posts today (05).

This approval was granted at the Committee on High Posts chaired by Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena today.

Accordingly, Jayantha Michael de Silva, Secretary to the Ministry of Technology, D.M.L Bandaranayake, Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, and Major General (Retd.) W.P.P Fernando, Secretary to the State Ministry of Disaster Management received approvals.

In addition, the decision of the Foreign Ministry to appoint Savitri Panabokke as the new Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Republic of Korea was approved by the Parliamentary Committee on High Posts.

At the same time, approval was granted to appoint Ahmed Lebbe Sabarullah Khan as the new Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Sultanate of Oman and to appoint S.H.U Dissanayake as the new Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Dasanayake said.

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